Our theme for edition 104 is Sea-Change.

Our name, Leith, comes from a Gaelic word meaning ‘liquid’. The town has been at
the rivermouth for 1,000 years, changing all the time. What does change mean to
our home, our family, ourselves? To resist change, to be a part of it, to be perplexed
by it, to celebrate it. Change has a past, a present and a future.

We welcome anything from a haiku to 3,000 words, in any genre: poetry, short
story, non-fiction, a drama script. It could be in another language, with a translation in English. You can include a simple illustration or picture to accompany your text. You could send a graphic/cartoon strip, to occupy no more than 6 pages (see page dimensions below). You can also send creative typography, a handwritten piece, with its own calligraphy or integrated decoration.

This is primarily an anthology of writing, but there may be room for a few images,
with or without caption or title.

Note that all printing is monochrome. Page size is 14×20.5 cm: artists, allow room for margins. If the proportions are good, we can size the image to fit the page.

The author’s or artist’s name of each selected piece will be given on the page.
If you are a school pupil we will normally give your age and/or your school alongside your name. See our previous editions for our house style.

Submissions to be sent to hello@leithwritings.co.uk by the end of June 2024.

We can only accept submissions in a Word document or as a pdf. Images,
calligraphy, and any particular formatting should be in pdf.

Please include the following with each entry:
I … [name] … assert that the work above titled … [ title of work] … is my own work,
and is not subject to any copyright restrictions. I give permission to Leith Writings to
publish it in its forthcoming anthology edition 104 in hard copy and online.
[Name] (digital signature) … [date].

If it has been published before elsewhere, you will need to assert that you have
permission for us to use it. Leith Writings will make no payment for permission to publish. Leith Writings makes no copyright claim on any material we publish.

Selection will be made on the basis of
o literary / artistic merit;
o distinctiveness of ‘the voice’;
o the pursuit of a balanced anthology.

Selection will be made during July and August. All entrants will be informed of the
selection in the first week of September.

The launch party will be on 1 or 2 November 2024, at a Leith venue. The author or artist of each piece in the anthology will be invited to present their work. Each contributor will be given two hard copies of the book. Other copies are for free issue in Leith. Argonaut Books 15-17 Leith Walk is normally a collection point, where donations towards this issue and edition 105 can be made.
All named donors to our justgiving page are listed in the next edition.
We welcome promotion of Leith Writings in any appropriate social media.
All money raised is spent on production. Nobody at Leith Writings takes any money.